I'm going to be hosting a very limited ‘group’ coaching experience for 100 days in 2024.
A private blog, behind closed doors, 100% anonymous.
Only people registered can access. and all comments are held in moderation before being posted.
One new post from me each day - including discussion topics, audios to listen to, ideas for journalling - and sharing stories of what WORKS.
This is NOT a regular group forum. There is no private chat. no talk of moderating (!), and no cheating on your day counts :)
And I will host a few group calls (live radio) specifically for this private group.
I am also inviting some of my current penpals who are 'further-along' to come in too, so they can share examples of what has worked for them.
Again everything is curated. This is not a free-for-all ;)
This is a safe place to gather ideas and share cheerleading of what WORKS. (And a few people each week may be invited to move into one-on-one coaching with me as space permits.)
We start July 18 (July 19)
Are you ready to feel better?
love, me